All Things New

“What’s new?!” You might hear constantly all day in a coffee shop as people meet others in relationship.  Personally, I’m not a big fan of this broad, general question.  Typically, one responds with “nothing much!” Yet, if we are honest, there is something new everyday! As a believer, we have God’s mercies which are new every morning (Lam 3:23) for a start!

I love the springtime, as I see trees budding, flowers blooming, grass growing & birds chirping!  All signs of new life, new birth. And so it is with God’s love, just like the spring, with His greatest gift, His Son, given to us so that we might have a full, new life in Jesus! He came to earth, lived and served, died on the cross, then rose from the grave, for the purpose of offering each of us forgiveness and a brand new life in Him! 

Pause for just a moment. Remember back to when you first came to Jesus. For me it was April of 1981! I can recall His life and love filling me to the full and overflowing as I  experienced new life, new birth, in Him!  Can you reflect back to your moment of coming to Jesus? We were once alone….now we have a true best friend. We were once fearful…now we have confidence and courage.  We once doubted….we now have faith. We once didn’t know who we really were….we now have our identity. We were without purpose….we now have direction and purpose. We once were nothing…we now have the stamp of approval and the robe of royalty (His righteousness).  While our early conversion moments were fresh, exciting, new and spectacular…life gets hard and we wonder why we aren’t further along in our faith journey. Why? Take a breath. It’s because we are a work in progress (Philippians 1:6). We are in the process of Him transforming us, day by day, to become more like Him! Turn your thoughts and eyes for a moment to nature…the plants, trees, flowers and grass…they all glean nourishment from the sun and rain in order to grow and flourish. Yet, it is a slow process.  We are the same. We glean nourishment from God’s Word, fellowship, worship, prayer and community, which combined, causes us to grow and flourish. We are a work in progress….for the rest of our earthly lives!  

One might ask, “why make us new? For what purpose does Jesus give us new Life?’  The answer is simple, yet profound. We discover that purpose in Jesus’ own words in Matthew 28:19 “Go and make disciples of all nations…”  What a directive! As followers of Jesus, this IS our calling. This is both a gift and challenge as we learn and grow in the Lord. He desires our lives, made new in Him, to glorify God so others might know Him as well. How He longs for us to truly know and experience Him! 

So, my fellow followers, let us not keep gleaning and growing in Jesus. Let’s keep receiving and fastening His Word in our hearts, placing our whole trust in Him, in order to live the new Life He desires for us.  Pause to give God praise for His surrendered life through His one and only Son, so we too can experience the fullness of new life. Then, to go and make disciples! 

“You make all things new…

Yesterday and forever, Your love never changing

This hope never fading

I am alive in You!  Hallelujah!”  Hillsong 

Bill Duppenthaler

Bill is the Executive Director of Legacy. He had done discipleship ministry for 35 years in Young Life before Legacy.


Becoming a Legendary dad.